Friday, March 11, 2011

I Do?

Unfortunately among some, marriage nowadays is looked at as a joke; even to those whom are already married. Though divorce may be at an all time high, people, religiously, are still getting married. Why? I believe because secretly they know they have a way of escape when things turn out unexpected. They know that "divorce" is an option. I'm not at all referencing divorces due to abuse and or/infidelity. By all means that is extremely necessary. What I'm saying is that we divorce for reasons that fall severly short of: till death to us part...for richer or for poorer...through sickness and in health. Do we really mean "I do", when it comes to the vows we profess to one another? Is our word really our bond? We separate over the pettiest of things, when in actuality it is these very issues that can grow an individual. It's sad that we don't take the institution of marriage seriously because quite frankly, by law...we don't have to.

Please note, this isn't at all to condemn those that have gotten divorced, but it is to help those remember that marriage is a commitment. If you aren't ready for marriage, this isnt a crime, but if you are, be ready to go the distance. Marry with the intent of it being forever, not with both of you making sure the "exit" is within view. If we respected the sanctity of marriage as a whole, maybe most wouldn't be so ready to throw in the towel. On the other hand, it is sad when one party wants to work it out, while the other is walking away with their hands up....


Never Put People You Look Up To On Pedastals

 I love to give advice, motivate, and empower others. The advice I give are tools that I, myself, try to implement. As of late, I've noticed the pressure, from others, of maintaining a life consistent of having it all together. Quite frankly, I don't. There will be times that I will mess up, but it isn't about the mistakes, as it is about learning from them. When I fall, I don't wait too long to pick myself right back up (this is key). Without my Creator, I would be lost, and I thank Him for His word and His love which keeps me sane. At the same time, I dont want others to lose hope when you see the ones you look up to, make a mistake, or lose it for a second. We are all works in progress, or at least we all should be.

Never put anyone you look up to on a pedastal, because you will be setting yourself up for disappointment. We are all human, and mistakes will be made despite any individual's status or assumed level of growth. The encouraging factor is that we all created in His image, inbedded with a piece of His nature. We all have gifts inside of us which need to be cultivated. Find out your purpose and run with it!! See you at the top!

Peace & Blessings,


Ahhh....2010, a year I'd like to forget but can't because it brought where I am today...liberated. My word for the year of 2010 was "confidence", something I lacked greatly. My ups and downs, aches and pains of that year clouded the vision of my growth. Though I would wake up daily affirming my day with that "word", it seemed as if I would get hit that much more; collaspsing my hopes, and breaking my spirit. I went through the lowest point of my life that year, something I didnt realize needed to happen for me to finally gain my confidence, later leading me to my liberation. There were strongholds, I had, that I didn't want to admit to myself. There's a part of us (pride) that wants to feel as if we have it all together. Meanwhile we know that we're a mess, but we don't want to show that to the world for fear of appearing "crazzy". I believe that we all are to a But I think that is why God wants us to renew our minds. There's a refining that has to take place once we've been dropped off onto this planet. We weren't born perfected, hence the necessity of us getting ourselves together, as He (the potter) molds us to His designed purpose. There were things I just had to let go, but wasnt ready to. But God is something else! He will align things in such a way where you have no choice but to end up on your knees. And 2010 was that moment. The moment where I had to look to God for help, peace of mind, for His love, and freedom. Freedom from the bondage of....yup..people. Who doesn't want to be liked or accepted? But when that is your focus, you lose sight of who you are; who you were called to be. And I didn't realize how far deep I was, which can lead to low self-esteem. Because of my lack of self-approval, I needed it from others, a lie that renders people captive. And so I embrace my lowest point, because it gave me no choice but to look up. And when you look to God he begins to take the scales off your eyes, so that you can see clear. I once was blind, but now I see. Those words are more real to me than ever before. Do I need approval, to be liked, to be accepted? Sure I do, but it has to come from me. When I accept who I am, I am praising and thanking God for creating me. Now that the scales are off, I am more able to love my husband and children better. Now that I can see, and no longer distracted I was able to find my purpose in life. The enemy (devil) is a cunning dude. He comes not but to kill steal and destroy. I was blinded by lifes woes, along with my insecurities. He looks for your weaknesses and uses it against you. Because he knows that once your mind is renewed and you are focused, your dreams and aspirations will be limitless. He knows that with God, all things are possible for you. My challenge for you today, is to look at the man in the mirror. Come to terms with things in your life that need to be examined, and ask God to show you how to fix them. At times we pray and ask God to take away our problems, excusing the fact that we also have a part to play. Do your part, as God does the rest. Become a better you. Let's start a movement.

Be Blessed