Thursday, June 25, 2009

Relationships w/the opposite sex "OK" while in a committed relationship?

Ok so can I be real? Cuz I've been wanting to tackle this topic for a minute. Finally I have the floor. I know..I know, I'll probably have sticks and stones thrown at me, but whatever...I'm ready...haha...let's go!

So in my observations of my married/engaged/committed relationship friends, I've noticed how the majority find it 'OK' 'harmless' 'nothing wrong' with having friends of the opposite sex. And I mean in the individual sense. *Note when I say friends..I don't mean associates. I'm talking relationships. He has his female friends on the side and she has her male friends.


Huh?? And we wonder why men are so inclined to cheat, and marriage has become just a date on someones calendar to "partay". No one wants to get cheated on, BUT at the same time, no one wants to give up their 'friends'. I know what you're thinking, "What about friends I knew before my relationship?" "I've known so and so since high school" or "She's like a sister to me..she's family" Excuses..I say. Now don't get me wrong..I think that its important as a couple to have friends but preferably w/other couples or the woman having her "gf's" and the guy his "boys". I'm not at all saying that it's impossible to maintain a platonic relationship with a person...but they are rare and far in between. Let's keep it real. One needs to really question them self (and be honest) as to why you became friends with that person in the 1st place. Most guys usually befriend the girl they can't get a date with. So they portray "the nice guy" role...hoping he'd be next in line. And girls.. let's keep it funky..we like to befriend guys that are cute, just in case our man acts up.

Because the average person isn't working on themselves (for Christians "renewing your minds") People are lead by their lusts...and their desires. We see with our "physical" eyes, not our "spiritual" ones..therefore choosing these friends based on appearance and what they can 'do for us'.

People like to say, "Well it's healthy to have friends of the opposite sex." And I agree. What do you think your partner is for? Your partner (along with God) should fulfill you with all that you need. If you feel compelled to be around another person of the opposite sex all the need to question whether or not you are ready to be in a committed relationship.

I can go on and on, but I will end with this. If you do have a friend of the opposite sex, your partner should be a friend just as well. If the friendship is truly genuine then your partner and friend should have no problem getting along or even hanging out., I mean they have 'You' in common, right? I know my guidelines are a bit old school but hey, it works for me. I'm seeing too too many couples break up over's becoming, old, ridiculous, disturbing, and immature. Not everyone is ready to be in a committed relationship..let's be real with God, ourselves, and the one's we love. We could alleviate a lot of hurt in the future.

Always with love,


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